Social Cognition & Intergroup Perception Lab
Jacqueline M. Chen, Ph.D.
American Multiracial Faces Database
The American Multiracial Faces Database (AMFD) contains 110 faces (smiling and neutral expression poses) with mixed-race heritage and accompanying ratings of those faces by naive observers that are freely available to academic researchers. Complete the form below to access the face stimuli. The faces were rated on many different attributes - download the ratings of the faces here. Please report any issues with accessing these materials to Jacqueline Chen.
Please note that we informed volunteers that their photographs would be shared with others for research use without any accompanying personal information. Information about the racial heritage of the AMFD faces can be made available to researchers upon emailed requests to Jacqueline Chen.
The AMFD is free to use for academic research. It is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.
Please cite any use of the AMFD faces and/or ratings:
Chen, J. M., Norman, J. B., & Nam, Y. (2021). Broadening the stimulus set: introducing the American multiracial faces database. Behavior Research Methods, 53(1), 371-389.
Any questions about this page? Contact Jacqueline Chen (jacqueline.chen[at]